Saturday 10 March 2018

Anant and Sampoorna Dhyaan

Sree Maa Shri Ji took all of us a step forward by introducing us to Anant dhyaan and Sampoorna dhyaan. The literal translation of anant dhyaan is a meditational state that is eternal, without any end and Sampoorna dhyaan is complete meditation on the formless form. We all paired up in pairs of two and looked at the partner to see if we could see Sree Maa Shri Ji in him/her. We could keep our eyes open or close them after some time. We kept our hands folded at the heart area in a namaste to honour the aspect of the Absolute in the other. This was an advanced technique to really merge all of us together and to be able to see Sree Maa Shri Ji, the common link that brought all of us together, in each of us and not the personality that we carried. i was able to see Sree Maa Shri Ji's photo in no time when i looked at my partner Jwala and experienced stithi pragnya in Sampoorna dhyaan. i felt so steady. This was the first time i had experienced it to this degree.

When we all shared our experiences, no one had seen only Sree Maa or only Shri Ji. We had seen them together as one. This was a validation to me that Sree Maa and Shri Ji were in two bodies but One at the level of the Atma and this oneness was in us too. Sree Maa Shri Ji had been displaying this to us symbolically from the start but i failed to realize that until this exercise was done. Sree Maa Shri Ji had then revealed to us that this kind of fusion was to be released to the world only in 2022 but was shown to us earlier, such was the level of trust and compassion Sree Maa Shri Ji kept on us🙏🙏🙏

Sree Maa Shri Ji always taught us that we are nobody to judge and that the potential of the Absolute is in everyone. They had brought me to many self-realizations over all these years that i was in Kosmic Fusion by sharing QVSWPP with me 24 by 7 that had weaved a unique journey for me. Self-realization was in its final culmination in this prolific retreat that the more one operates as the akarta -akarmi and stays in the state of stithi pragnya, the Grace that we had received from Sree Maa Shri Ji would touch others too via us in non-doing. Sree Maa Shri Ji's training ground was profound where you don't judge others out of the mask of the ego or practice fake niceness but truly practice being nice from the state of akarmi, the outcome of which is Grace touching even the densest of beings in non-action via QVSWPP__/\o___/\o__/\o_ Whatever Sree Maa taught, Sree Maa and Shri Ji displayed it to me by practicing it themselves. 'Practice what you preach' was followed to the T and that won the highest regard in my eyes for Sree Maa Shri Ji🙏🙇

Sree Maa Shri Ji introduced us to more Sanatana Dharma concepts like adi, anadi, chit, achit, told us about 'deh daman' to tackle the karmi (doer) and any residual karmic energies in the subtle bodies. We listened to and sang devotional songs like Moola mantra, Achyutam keshavam, Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu. All songs resonated very well, especially the Moola mantra which i hadn't heard before.

Moola mantra:

Om Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma
Purushottama Paramatma
Shri Bhagvathi Sameth
Shri Bhagvathe namah

Hari Om Tat Sat

Sree Maa Shri Ji also introduced us to a new greeting 'Hari OM BrAhmn' and had explained the meaning of it. i don't remember the meaning but was very happy to greet fellow FiTs and 5D++ Pulsars as Hari OM BrAhmn. It was a reminder for me to see the potential of the same Absolute present in the other that i saw in Sree Maa Shri Ji whom i had accepted as my Guru __/\o___/\o___/\o_

To welcome the akarmi deh, we all did a beautiful chit/achit exercise on the final day. We first bowed down and touched our own feet to acknowledge the karmi deh (doer self) that "i notice you but please don't be a hindrance anymore", then touched our feet to honour the akarmi deh (non-doer) that "i trust you and honour you and in you resides the All-Knowing, All-pervading, unmanifested aspect of the Absolute and you now lead the way" and finally touched feet of each other, the other-selves, the Brahmns by saying Hari OM Brahmn that "i don't see the personality in you anymore but honour your akarmi just like i honour mine"_/\_

Sree Maa Shri Ji did not leave any stone unturned and used unique exercises from Sanatana Dharma to help all of us move into the akarta - akarmi and bond _/\_

Main Apki atyant AbhAri hoon aur sada rahoongi Sree Maa Shri Ji🙏🙇

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