Despite writing my answers to the cheap questions that were forwarded by Shri Ji to the so called national correspondents of Stuff and clearly writing my contact details to be contacted, which by the way was done by all FiTs, no one contacted any of us. On the contrary, an article got published 10 days later on Sree Maa Shri Ji and Kosmic Fusion that was full of condescending language and spite under the cloak of humor and reporting facts. The entire story lacked credibility and had been written with a bent to portray Kosmic Fusion like a c*lt, a verdict drawn on the basis of only 2 malignant narcissists... oops... i am sorry... 2 former volunteers (
HELLO! Knock Knock! Kosmic Fusion is not just about 2 people. There are over 400 5D++ Pulsars worldwide and a handful FiTs that have benefitted tremendously from the most Benevolent and selfless service Graced by Sree Maa and Shri Ji💕🙏🙇. If these 2 sole volunteers, Tzu Ling Kuo/Joy Kuo/Irene and Iphigenie Amoutzias/Dallia came with pre-meditated agendas and deliberately bypassed the vision and mission of Kosmic Fusion and the core values of authenticity, integrity, honesty and transparency of FiT programme, how does that certify Kosmic Fusion as a cu*t purely based on what these 2 former volunteers have cooked up?
What you will find most surprising is that when FiTs wrote their comments on facebook where the 'biased and paid' article was published to point out the huge array of falsity and give facts, all comments were deleted by the journalists.
Dear readers, for the time being, kindly find my feedback on the poor article written by 2 benighted souls, the so called national correspondents who have used the modus operandi of sophistry aimed at creating cheap sensationalism and maligning the name of Sree Maa and Shri Ji who are most loving, empathetic and compassionate. Hopefully, the 2 recruited members of malignant narcissists will have self-realization at the earliest how they are being used as flying monkeys to run a smear campaign on Kosmic Fusion, School of Absolute Truth and Sree Maa Shri Ji who have done absolutely nothing wrong other than trusting that the Absolute is in everyone and selflessly serving humanity.
Also, kindly note, that Amoutzias left the Ashram house in May 2017 and Kuo came to the Ashram house in June 2017 and left for Sydney within 2 to 3 months. Thankfully for us, both the narcs were never at the Ashram house together.
Jai Shree Swaminarayan🙏
Excellent points raised by fellow FiTs who have participated in the FiT programme along with Tzu Ling Kuo/Joy Kuo/Irene and Iphigenie Amoutzias/Dallia/Meera a.k.a Malana B Taresi (Iphigenie's new fake avatar now ---- which were completely ignored by the national correspondents and clearly displays their ignorance and abysmal skills on reporting facts:
# Bias, lies and more lies in Stuff Article
# Feedback on paid article
# Stuff Article response
From being a seeker, seeking to find who am i, until the self surrendered and asked 'is there anyone out there who can tell me who i am?' Finding my Akshar Paratpar Mitra, Sree Maa Shri Ji who heard the yearning and led me from self to Self, showed me my ultimate goal of SELF. My journey from self to Self to SELF which got stalled due to a few covert and malignant narcissists who sat with me slyly like they were in Kosmic Fusion for the same spiritual goal as me...but alas!
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
Sunday, 5 August 2018
My Response 4 : course fees?
My response to the ridiculous and derogatory questions of the journalists was one long email which i have published in 4 parts in my blog for an easy read.
Part 4
Q) did you ask for course fees to be paid in cash in USD?
Part 4
Q) did you ask for course fees to be paid in cash in USD?
Ans: i haven’t been charged any fee whatsoever for the FIT Training. The entire FIT training has been Graced by beloved Sree Maa Shri Ji free of cost. It is only the two residential retreats where i gave ‘energy exchange’… am so sorry, fees, which was in NZD and don’t recall whether i did a PayPal transaction or a bank transfer. Am sorry i don’t quite understand the relevance of USD.
Sree Maa Shri Ji, i have no clue why these questions are being routed to Sree Maa Shri Ji? i have been an integral part of Kosmic Fusion since Dec 2011 and an active volunteer since 2012 until now, have attended all Training Programs that Sree Maa Shri Ji have offered. i don’t quite understand why am i not being approached directly when i sat on the same course as ‘former volunteers'. In hindsight and to give the benefit of doubt to the journalist, a long distance phone call would be quite expensive since i live in the Middle East, isn’t it?
Since Sree Maa Shri Ji have always maintained transparency, i am doing the same and give my full consent that this email may be forwarded as it is to the journalist. Hopefully, this willful consent and my answers will put a stop to mud slinging and unfounded allegations on Sree Maa Shri Ji and Kosmic Fusion. i openly vouch that the allegations being slung on Sree Maa Shri Ji are unjustified and total rubbish and that i have never been forced to write/say/do anything against my wish. i hope the journalist will come and speak to me and other FITs directly for the sake of responsible journalism, gain more insight and grounding before any sensational story is cooked at the behest of these 'former volunteers’_/\_
in seva and unconditional love to Shunya Bindu,
Saturday, 4 August 2018
My Response 3 : Public toilets after 7 pm?
My response to the ridiculous and derogatory questions of the journalists was one long email which i have published in 4 parts in my blog for an easy read.
Part 3
Q) did you warn members not to use public toilets after 7pm?
Part 3
Q) did you warn members not to use public toilets after 7pm?
Ans: From vulgarity to amusement! i am a flight attendant and half the month am awake at night operating flights. i have never been told or warned or advised nor asked by Sree Maa Shri Ji, my paratpar akshar mitra (allow me to translate loosely, companion of my atma) to hold my pee and poo when at the airport or at the aircraft. My common sense tells me that the toilets in these areas are in the ‘Public’ category unless the school of journalism states otherwise. Since the questioning is garishly blunt, excuse my own boorishness, but Shri Ji, please let the journalist know if he would like to see my roster where i have had a string of night flights or to be more specific 'after 7 pm' departures. i am a very clean person who likes to maintain body, mind and energy hygiene but consistently use public toilets as i am out of my house 20 days in a months. i am a living testimony that i did not receive any spat, hair pulling, warning or strike from Sree Maa Shri Ji or any ‘members' for doing so. Furthermore, i am far from menopause and even if i can practice restraint on nature calls for a couple of hours, i can’t on my periods. Northisterone pills to delay periods is a prescription pill not given in aviation medicine when on flight schedule. i hope the point is well understood.
Sree Maa Shri Ji, since when did i become a ‘member' instead of a 5D++ Pulsar and a volunteer? May i ask on what grounds is the journalist staking such rubbish claims? What magazine/ newspaper does he work for?
Friday, 3 August 2018
My Response 2 : Sexual relations with outsiders?
My response to the ridiculous and derogatory questions of the journalists was one long email which i have published in 4 parts in my blog for an easy read.
Part 2
Q) did you warn members not to have sexual relations with outsiders because they might bring the wrong energy?
Part 2
Q) did you warn members not to have sexual relations with outsiders because they might bring the wrong energy?
Ans: What i do in my personal space and time is my own business. Sree Maa Shri Ji have never spoken to me or advised me or asked me or warned me about my sexual life ever. On the contrary, i am the one who crossed my boundaries and have cried sob stories of my life in front of Sree Maa Shri Ji when Sree Maa Shri Ji had clearly said my ego and the conditions of my life created by it are my own responsibility. It is Sree Maa Shri Ji who have given the respect, compassion and time to listen to me still without bias and provide guidance according to Bhagwan Swaminarayan Teachings and share transmissions of Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse.
Quite frankly, i find the question misleading, baseless and disgraceful. Please accept my sincere apologies Sree Maa Shri Ji for the ridiculous and derogatory questions Sree Maa Shri Ji have been asked. Why these questions have been hurled at Sree Maa Shri Ji and not at the other volunteers who sat on the same course as ‘former volunteers’ is baffling.
Anyway, i don’t like how it is presumed in the question that i seem to sleep around or would like to have multiple sexual relations. What does “outsiders” mean? Am guessing, it is people who are not FITs (facilitators in training). Is the journalist implying that i can have sex with insiders? Or is he labelling me as a lesbian since all insiders were women and only one brave man who is gay? The question is vulgar and does not have any relevance to my atma or Kosmic Fusion, school of Absolute Truths that offers the super sonic shortcut in attaining Self-Realization. That is what i applied for and was accepted by Sree Maa Shri Ji as a student, so how and when did my sexual health become Sree Maa Shri Ji’s concern is puzzling. What 'wrong energy' is being referred to in the question when the crux of Kosmic Fusion is Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse, the most loving Signature of Shunya Bindu and Sree Maa Shri Ji is the living embodiment of IT.
i choose to remain stepped back and in neutrality, the foundation and the base principle of all Kosmic Fusion Trainings and Sree Maa Shri Ji’s teachings. i personally believe in the concept of holy matrimony and i have never ever been told/advised/warned by Sree Maa Shri Ji that i can’t or shouldn’t go for it with an outsider or insider. As for sexual relations, i am a stable person with a keen intellect and do not drop into bed with anyone just because the body/hormones crave for it or i am under some sort of pressure or to confirm to any fake image and ideas of liberalism/feminism/practicing my right/live life before you die etc etc.
Thursday, 2 August 2018
My Response 1 : Former volunteers have described being struck, spat...?
My response to the ridiculous and derogatory questions of the journalists was one long email which i have published in 4 parts in my blog for ease in reading.
Part 1
Jai Shree Swaminarayan_/\_
Part 1
Jai Shree Swaminarayan_/\_
prAnAAm Sree Maa Shri Ji_/\_
Shri Ji, kindly find all my answers to the questions/claims raised by the journalist with complete honesty, integrity and authenticity, the 3 core values always emphasized and abided by Sree Maa Shri Ji and followed by me as a FIT (facilitator in training) who is a sincere seeker on the Spiritual path and likes to be mentored by Souls who lead by example_/\_
Ans: i have been a volunteer since 2012, am still a volunteer and have NOT been touched by anyone in Kosmic Fusion at any phase of any Training offered by Sree Maa Shri Ji. i have honored the ethics of a volunteer, practitioner and integrity of a FIT where i have willingly and honestly looked at the shades of my small self.
The only time touching was permitted was when volunteers and practitioners did swap healing sessions with one another or with people who approached to receive a Multi-dimensional holographic healing session with QVSWPP from 2012 to mid 2016. i clearly recall telling Sree Maa Shri Ji that i feel uncomfortable giving sessions to men as it involved touching recipients' at chakra assemblage points and instead hover my hand in the auric field for them. Sree Maa Shri Ji had said it was perfectly fine as the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse (QVSWPP) is supremely intelligent and will do what needs to be done for the recipient at a level he is ready.
Even touching the recipient was made redundant while sharing the most Benevolent Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse from mid 2016 for complete energy hygiene of the recipient and the sharer, and most importantly ruling out the smallest fodder to the healer’s ego. When such high levels of ethics are being taught and practiced, what is the base for questions of being struck or hair being pulled?
As for being spat on, i only recall one incident where i sat next to Sree Maa Shri Ji at the 2015 Kawai Pura retreat on the dining table and a drop of saliva from Sree Maa Shri Ji’s mouth fell on me while answering a question i asked about tamas, rajas, satva. Sree Maa Shri Ji had apologized to me when i should have been the one apologizing for asking questions while Sree Maa Shri Ji was having lunch, as if the workshop hours weren’t enough. Since i don’t know the journalist as a person or his background, may i request ShriJi to kindly ask the journalist if he considers that being spat on?
Oh wait! the descriptions are specific to “reflection” sessions. Almost all of my “reflection” sessions have been done on my own in the company of Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse (QVSWPP), my 24 by 7 friend, in the privacy of my room by my self.
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
Derogatory questions by National Correspondent of Stuff
Dear Readers,
On July 19th 2018, Shri Ji forwarded an email to FiTS with the most derogatory and ridiculous questions sent by a journalist at the behest of Tzu Ling Kuo/Joy Kuo/Irene and Iphigenie Amoutzias/Dallia/Meera, the two malignant and covert narcissists who Kosmic Fusion and all FiTs have disassociated from (
Am attaching the email for you to read _/\_
On July 19th 2018, Shri Ji forwarded an email to FiTS with the most derogatory and ridiculous questions sent by a journalist at the behest of Tzu Ling Kuo/Joy Kuo/Irene and Iphigenie Amoutzias/Dallia/Meera, the two malignant and covert narcissists who Kosmic Fusion and all FiTs have disassociated from (
Am attaching the email for you to read _/\_
On Jul 19, 2018, at 15:49, Shri Ji <s*******> wrote:
Jai Shree SwaminarayanBelow are the questions asked by the journalist, I would actually request all of you to provide these answers.------------------------------------------Hi Shri - there are a few other specific claims that we need to put to you.Former volunteers have described being struck, spat on or had their hair pulled during "reflection" sessions?did you warn members not to have sexual relations with outsiders because they might bring the wrong energy?did you warn members not to use public toilets after 7pm?did you ask for course fees to be paid in cash in USD?------------------------------------------Jai Shree Swaminarayan
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Despite writing my answers to the cheap questions that were forwarded by Shri Ji to the so called national correspondents of Stuff and clear...
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